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Bee's Nursery and Garden

Coconut Palm

Coconut Palm

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), which is a tropical plant native to coastal areas. The fruit is known for its versatile uses in culinary, industrial, and cosmetic applications. It has a hard, fibrous husk surrounding a hard shell, which contains the white, edible flesh and coconut water inside. The flesh can be eaten fresh or dried, and it is used to produce coconut milk, oil, and other products. Coconut water is a refreshing drink high in electrolytes. The coconut palm thrives in warm, humid climates and is often grown in coastal regions.

USDA Growing Zone: 10-12


This is a tropical plant/tree. Due to its sensitive nature to cold temperature, we recommend frost protection during the winter months. 

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Regular price $350.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $350.00 USD
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