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Bee's Nursery and Garden

Gooseberry (Chùm Ruột)

Gooseberry (Chùm Ruột)

Gooseberry, or Ribes uva-crispa, is a deciduous shrub that produces small, round berries known for their tangy flavor. The berries range in color from green to red, purple, or yellow, depending on the variety. They are often covered in fine, soft hairs, giving them a slightly fuzzy appearance. Gooseberries are commonly used in jams, jellies, desserts, and sauces, and can be eaten fresh or cooked. The shrubs have serrated, lobed leaves and produce clusters of small, greenish-white or pink flowers in the spring.

USDA Growing Zone: 9-11

15 Gallon: 5ft tall



This is a tropical plant/tree. Due to its sensitive nature to cold temperature, we recommend frost protection during the winter months. 

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Regular price $300.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $300.00 USD
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